About the Impact list
At Edleaders, we believe in transformational leadership that drives impact and positive change in schools.
The 2023 Edleaders Impact List sponsored by Schoolbox aims to celebrate the diverse group of individuals that work tirelessly to bring about impactful change in their learning community.
These individuals are thought ‘doers’, activators, 'system' nudgers, innovators and advocates.
They do not exclusively come from the educator ranks, but are people who work 'in' and 'on' the business of schools.
Who we are looking for?
Do you know someone in your school with any of the following attributes?
Embraces change and uncertainty
Turns problems and challenges into solutions and new opportunities
Is an authentic connector who builds guiding coalitions and gets the best out of those they work with
Looks to the horizon and prepares the ground for future possibilities
Nudges existing systems and disrupts traditional notions of schooling
Delivers innovation projects that make a significant differences to the lives of young people or staff
Enacts the use of technologies to enhance learning and teaching
Joins the ‘dots’ others don’t see and uses past, present and future contexts to shape innovation
Has outstanding EQ and mentors, coaches, and challenges individuals and teams to higher levels of performance and excellence
Nurtures cultures of inclusivity and belonging in learning communities
Contributes to education beyond the school gates to build collective wisdom and advocacy for systems change.
If you know someone in your sphere of influence that is worthy of nomination for the 2023 Edleaders Impact List sponsored by Schoolbox, please nominate them by
COB Monday 22 May 2023. It's easy!
Go to 'Nominate Form' below - add their name, their email and other contact details, a link to their social media profile and outline one or more of their attributes as listed above.
The full 2023 Edleaders Impact List will be announced on Monday 10 July 2023.